I adore Katee Robert, as a person and as a writer. I had the privilege of meeting her this past August and fangirled internally hard. I mean, one can't show the crazy and scare her off at first meeting right?! I don't have tons to say on this one, all in all it was a fun read. I think that if you are new to Katee and this is your first book you will love it. The problem for me is that I am not new to Katee and the series this book is a spin off of is one of my favorite mafia romances of all time. Not just that, but Rose, the main female character here, is the daughter of my favorite couple too. How does one top that? Dante's devotion was commendable. He wants Rose, regardless of how their relationship started (she shot him, he abducted her...) and is certain they can make it work. Rose is one badass heroine. Once she finds out Dante was lying to her she shoots him and carries on. They have chemistry plenty and make a great pair. The first half of the book was awesome. I
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