This was no shadow of doubt one of the best YA reads of 2016! And coming from me, that should mean a lot as I did not like Six of Crows.
These books are about impossible heists, impossible escapes, impossible odds, and eventually unforgettable friendships.
Since I started this blog way after I've read Six of Crows I will add a little review of it before I dive into Crooked Kingdom...
Six of Crows (3 out of 5): I wanted to love the book because of the great reviews, but I just didn't. A good YA book is good when you somehow connect to the characters. I didn't. Not one. Nada. The reading quickly became tedious.
Kaz is meant to come across as someone calculative and cold because of his past and he does. So much so that I felt nothing towards him. I ended up completely indifferent to him. The other characters did not fair any better.
It was obvious, to me at least, that Leigh Bardugo was building the characters up for the second book. It was a good action packed story that brought all characters together and consequently closer to each other. The potential was there for a better second book. And oh boy did she deliver!!!
Crooked Kingdom (10 out of 5!! 'cause 5 is not enough!): I was up till 3 am reading this book, I could not put it down. It was just impossible to walk away.
Everything I did not feel towards the characters on the first book I most certainly felt here! I am totally in love with ALL of them!
The story was action packed. Twists and turns every few pages. It dragged you in and did not let you go! It was a crazy ride full of highs and lows.
Kaz... oh kaz... such an amazingly well written character. It is easy to appreciate his coldness on the first book now. Even to understand and to like it. His relationship with his crew is outstanding. The way he cares for them without them realizing he does is beautiful!
Inej is not my favorite character. My least favorite actually. But that is not to say I didn't love her, I did. Her friendship with Nina, trust in Kaz and his trust on her makes your heart melt.
Jesper was priceless! He got me laughing, he got me teary. Same with Wylan.
And oh Matthias... I made you guys a promise to not give spoilers so I wont... Dropped me a message when you've read the book and understands my pain. Him and Nina are perfect for each other. I can't wait for Leigh Bardugo to write a book on Nikolai and Nina. They were wonderful characters and deserve a (or a few) stories of their own.
So yah...Nikolai has a small appearance! As does Zoya and Genya! I screamed with excitement!!! It was perfect. It is sooooo good Leigh Bardugo made a connection like that between the books.
There is NO WAY you are not going to LOVE this book! It was a masterpiece!
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