If you are a lover of ya and fantasy there is no way you will not like this book.
It was exciting and full of twists and turns. LOVED it!
By far the best book in the series.
Cinder: 4 out of 5
Scarlet: 5 out of 5
Cress: 4.5 out of 5
Winter: 10 out of 5
I will miss Iko's sass; I will miss cray cray Winter; I will miss my dear Wolf! His bravery, his softness; I will miss Thorne's sarcasm and banter... etc etc etc.
The last book brings it all together in wonderful unexpected ways. It was exactly what one would hope of a finale: intense, intense, intense!!!!!
If you are like me, and dive into a book with all you've got, you will have your heart on your hands the whole time. There wasn't a moment in the whole book where something wasn't happening and someone was not in danger. The story kept on moving.
Wolf and Scarlet are my favorite characters in the series. I love Wolf's dynamic. His hard exterior and soft wooshy personality. It is adorable. And Scarlet's strength is admirable. They are perfect!
Thorne is hilarious. Who doesn't love Thorne? It is impossible not to. We get you Cress! And hey! How brave is she in this epic finale?! awesome
Winter is craaaaaaaaazy. In a beautiful loveing and annoying way... if that makes any sense. Jacin is one strong minded male!
Cinder has been my least favorite in the series, but that is not to say I don't like her. Her last few appearances are fantastic. Her relationship with Kai is not forced upon the reader, it is not far too cheesy to handle. It is just right. And their respective endings are great.
Go read guys!!!!!
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