The end of Silence was supposed to create a better world for future generations. But trust is broken, and the alliance between Psy, Changeling, and human is thin. The problems that led to Silence are back in full force. Because Silence fixed nothing, just hid the problems.
This time, the Psy have to find a real answer to their problems–if one exists. Or their race will soon go extinct in a cascade of violence. The answer begins with an empath who is attuned to monsters–and who is going to charm a wolf into loving her despite his own demons.
This time, the Psy have to find a real answer to their problems–if one exists. Or their race will soon go extinct in a cascade of violence. The answer begins with an empath who is attuned to monsters–and who is going to charm a wolf into loving her despite his own demons.
The Review: 5 Stars
Awwww... Can I have that wolf for myself please? pretty please?
Alexei was strong, resilient, but also in a lot of pain.
Memory was your usual 'Mary Sue' type of character... expect I don't usually like them, and I LOVED her. Her strength and refusal to give up, her complete and utter devotion to Alexei, her jovial spirit and attitude towards simple things -such as sparkling shoes- made her impossible not to love.
Alexei and Memory are perfect for each other. Her jovial nature and his strong personality work well together. Since there was a LOT going on this book I kind of liked there was no much drama between the two of them. She didn't let him get away and he couldn't stay away. Their romance was rather straight forward.
The world Nalini Singh created in this series is phenomenal. Everything about it is so well thought out. You are left with questions in the end but questions you know will be answered in upcoming books. Everything makes sense and fits nicely.
I cannot say enough how much I LOVED this book. I genuinely could stay here and dissect it all for you for hours and hours, I am more than ready to read it again actually, but that would take the fun away from those who haven't read yet. So I guess what I am saying is... message me! Lets chat and swoon over this amazing story!
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